Until a short time ago, I didn't know what ghosting was, then I saw an article on it. Was I surprised they had this weird name for a common behavior.
A while back, I had a friend who suddenly stopped phoning (she never did very often anyway) but now she didn't answer when I called, nor did she call me back when I left a message. I've known this person for over twenty years, so I was hurt and confused. I imagined, as a 'good Christian' she was feeling guilty and I didn't want to feed into it, so I didn't call back. I tend to be self-focused and take the blame for a lot of what happens in my world. But is that a reason for someone to cut me out or 'ghost' me? Anyway, I looked it up and was surprised by what I found. I'll give you the short version and a link if you want to follow up on it. In this article, admittedly, they are often speaking about intimate relationships. But these can be friends who ghost you. Take a look: GHOSTING Some ghosters keep you on the hook or use "ghosting" to keep their options as open as possible. They'll drop all contact with you because they're interested in someone else, but save your number to return to the "backburner" relationship when their main relationship inevitably dies down.[1]
If a ghoster comes back when they think you're moving on, feel free to give a second chance if they claim to have feelings for you, but don't give them endless chances. Someone who repeatedly deceives you isn't worth your time. Some ghosters return because they think you'll put up with it. When you're a kind-hearted person who is always there, a ghoster might take advantage of your willingness to forgive and forget. A ghoster's bad behavior is not your fault! However, tolerating it repeatedly reinforces the message they can do it as much as they want. To end the cycle, putting your foot down and cutting the ghoster off is best. Tell them firmly that you need some space.
I've changed my novel design once again.
While change is a constant in my life, with my books, I am never satisfied until I have the novel and its cover as perfect as possible. At some point, one must stop writing and get the wonderful story out there for others to enjoy. However, that doesn't mean much if no one buys the book. I'd been told or read it somewhere, if your book isn't selling, change the cover. So, I did, more than once. When editing my stories, I get stuck sometimes and that's when I use AI to get me unstuck. Although I have to rewrite what the AI comes up with so it's still me writing. And so, I decided to ask the AI what would be ideal cover design ideas for my novel? I was given 20 different themes for a cover. Holy cow! That's a lot to choose from. Nevertheless, as I read the names over and over, the last one on the list really struck my fancy. AI said it would be unusual and attract attention. Well, I like unusual and I like to attract attention, so, the one image of two lovers against a background of stained glass seemed appropriate. And then, going online (naturally) I found a stained glass design that was perfect. Not one hundred percent, but close enough. Into my editing program it went. Then downloading a bunch of new fonts and voila, before long I had a new cover that I think hits the spot. You probably saw it on page 1: "An Affair with An Angel" It's an ebook on Amazon and paperback. After the 26th of December it will be on sale, assuming I can figure out how to do that one. Amazon has some weird in's and out's that are not easy for me to canoodle, but I'll give it a go and see if I can make it work. I'll let you know. So check back and hopefully before the 16th I'll have it done. Yahoo! So, last night I fell asleep way too early. That was a mistake - as far as my sleep went. However, as to ideas that loom while sort-of-awake and trying-to-sleep, I was besieged with several.
First came the idea for a new title for my novel, 'An Affair with An Angel'. I couldn't help but think there was so much more to the story than his attraction to the angel, Miriam. So, I had to open the darn book and read through it in skips and jumps. Wanting the book's title to better reflect its contents, which is more than an angel attraction, I used an AI (artificial intelligence) to consider a few new ideas for titles and settled on one - for now. But, that also meant I had to rewrite the story, and now I needed an outline. It's an arduous task. I wrote one, and this is what I came up with and I'm liking it better. ”How you have fallen Son of the Dawn.” These words Adonai spoke casting Lucifer out of heaven. Little did Lucifer know he was destined to fall even further one day - possibly into love. And so we have the beginning, a bit different than before. It's a good thing not too many have sold so far because now, readers won't be disappointed when I delete 'Affair with an Angel' and replace it with 'Lucifer’s Temptations: Redemption of the Fallen.' I remember years ago when I could get a 'Buy Now' button from Paypal. Yes, it's been a while since I've tried to sell anything on Paypal. Anyway, it's now impossible, at least for me.
On my website, I posted several books for sale. All the books for conferences I've attended and came home from with left over inventory. Long story short (like that happens), my idea was to sell the books at a huge discount. The nightmare began when I went online to Paypal. As I said, it once was easy to get the html code to Buy Now. Except now, it's pages upon pages of confusing html code, API, and any other terms along with a process that is impossible, at least for me. I spent over an hour on the phone with a 'helper' from Paypal who couldn't figure it out either. Now what does that say about overly complex. I know she was reading from a 'how to' manual, which was absolutely not helpful. Now, I'm stuck with three boxes of various books and cannot sell them because it's become so complex. Churches have their own bookstore with authors they prefer and my books (the fiction anyway) does not comply with their terms of acceptable. I write about Angels and demons. Now, I'm going to try something different. On my for sale page, I plan to place all the books on sale for $6 + postage $4 and see if I can intrigue my visitors. Fingers crossed. |