Of course there still is music in heaven but I doubt very much if there’s music in hell. Although some of the music nowadays is pretty awful and belongs in hell, from my point of view. But that’s just me. I’m writing this because I am editing a chapter in a novel; it’s an unending process and as I’m writing - thinking about Lucifer, how many people ever wonder about the Lord of hell what he lost when he was thrown out of heaven? How does he feel about what he lost, if he has?
Here’s a note: It’s right after Lucifer has kidnapped the angel into hell - with Adonai’s consent of course - like Job, as you recall. "I leave and return to my own rooms, leaving Miriam to her fears and insecurities, if she has any. She is a warrior angel after all. Anyway, it’s times like these when I miss the music that use to pour forth from me, from the harps, pipes and timbrels. That’s another part I lost in falling from heaven and it’s something I dearly miss. How I love music but the demons or fallen ones would not understand and it would not be something to have in hell anyway; it might bring solace to the misery of this place or the misery the lost are supposed to experience. With a sigh, I go to my desk and pick up the diary, running my hand over the soft leather cover. I sit down to write, having recorded my life since Earth in these pages. As I stare at the blank page, I realize one sentence is not enough. There is too much to say about today and how I feel” Lucifer mutters to himself within his chambers deep within hell. Interesting idea. Now I’m reading a book about the angels in heaven and Lucifer, Michael and Gabriel are great friends; they cavort through the heavens having fun while busy at work. Then the scene changes and we learn Lucifer is a bit too serious as charon of Earth. I think that’s the title by which he is called. The book seems to take the view this is Heaven before the end times when Lucifer ruled Earth and each of the angels, cherubim and seraphim had work, ruling the different planets. Fascinating and discombobulating, because it’s so far off from what most of us have been taught. But what if this author is not so far off. What if Lucifer is in heaven roaming about and the sins we commit are all on us and the angels have not yet fallen? There is no hell. I’ll let you know more once I’ve finished the book or series, which I’m very eager to get back to this evening. If interested, "The Third Heaven: The Rise of Fallen Stars" book 1 of 4 by Donovan Neal & others.
I always have a story to write. Often my stories, even the demonic ones as well as the angelic they come out of my past. Now if you were to change your story what would you change?
For me, it took a while to even consider the idea…. But, online, I found an intriguing idea: "Think of a childhood moment—imagine if things had gone differently.” Now, in life we do not get a do-over but in our imagination we can. So, here goes: If my particular moment in life has changed, how would my life be different now? What would/has remained the same? Old story: 1951 mom divorced our father for putting alcohol first. We moved to the Pacific Northwest and mom met a man who later became our step-dad. 1954 our father came to ask mom to take him back; he still loved her but he still smelled of alcohol and she said, go away. He left. New story: Our Dad, remorseful, did whatever was necessary to have his family again, gave up drinking, so mom welcomed him back with open arms and bid potential stepdad farewell. Dad went to work, as before, and between the two of them they saved their money and opened a restaurant (which they’d also done before); it became popular and they prospered. Me, I was always a rebel and so, I fell for a lowlife who took advantage of a young girl and my life went on in the same vein as before. I cannot imagine that part being any different. It’s interesting that I can imagine a better life for my mother and father but not myself. On the other hand, if my life had changed for the better, if I’d lived a rich girl life, what would I have been like? I’ve seen the rich and famous on television. I’ve also known some rich folks who’re really great people. A brother and his wife, for example, so I know goodness among the rich is possible. Now when I write about angels (nice people in life) and demons (not so nice people in life) I find ways for them to see the light and hear new voices in their head so they can change their life and find a new heaven on earth, or in heaven. Hey, with God anything is possible. ~~~~~ Here’s some ways to change your story:
Recently, I read several articles concerning the soul at death, because some of my books have characters whose earthly selves had died and, in the story, they are now living in Heaven (as well as interacting within the ‘fiction' story). Was I correct in their even being in heaven then?
I’m always looking for answers and often it’s simpler to seek the Lord because I didn’t know where to look in the Bible. For example when my mother was dying and my brother, sister and I were caring for her, I opened the Bible and struggled to find comforting passages. Nada. So, I went to the Psalms and all I could find at the time were verses on anything but comfort. Here’s an example, Psalms 12 says, "Everyone lies, flatters, and deceives. Nothing but empty talk, smooth talk, and double-talk. Where are the truthful? (Psalms 12:2-3). Well, I didn’t want to hit my mother with that sort of thing, not on her death bed for pity sake. Okay - back to the reason for the blog. This time, I prayed for an answer and the Lord gave me this story. It would have been appropriate back then, but in every situation I’ve confronted, one thing I’ve learned is ‘I am not an evangelist.’ Which is why I write these stories (loaded with scripture if you’re looking); it’s my way of sharing what I do know about Adonai, Yeshu’a and what I ‘imagine’ life after death and heaven would be like - told from a fictional point of view, of course. Moving on... “What happens to my soul when I die?” As a pastor and a teaching theologian, this is one of the most frequent questions I receive. However, the inquiry most often comes, not in the form of a question, but in the context of crisis. Indeed, this is how the question was posed by Mrs. Henley: in a defining moment of her faith on trial. …. I was a pastor “on loan,” …dispatched to provide pastoral ministry to a family I didn’t know. …. Mrs. Gladys Henley, Mr. Henley’s wife of sixty-some-odd years was there to greet me. Mr. Henley’s forty-plus-year-old son and his wife were also there. …. I rehearsed the pastoral visit. … drew in a breath of hope as I exhaled a prayer: “Lord, guide me.” I opened my Bible. I needed a passage that would serve as my “pastoral prescription” … [at least God answered him at the time] My eyes found the words of Acts of the Apostles and Peter’s quote of Psalm 16:10, “For you will not abandon my soul to Hades or let your Holy One see corruption. You have made known to me the paths of life; you will make me full of gladness with your presence” (Acts 2:27, 28 ESV). The family greeted me …in a family vigil. For, by then, Mr. Henley was a dying man. [and Mrs. Henley was tired so… The nurse encouraged Mrs. Henley, to leave for tea and a sandwich. She agreed and left with her son, and his wife. ] … alone with Mr. Henley. … I felt led to speak, “Mr. Henley, I am not sure if you can hear me, Sir. I have a Scripture for you from God’s Word. It is a very simple and powerful truth. I am certain you know it.”… “‘We are confident, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord’ (2Corinthians 5:8, italics added). … He moved not. I was not deterred. … I began to pray the Lord’s Prayer audibly: “Our Father...” Mr. Henley’s lips began to move. I drew closer, still praying, “who art in heaven...” [He] was seeking to pray with me. “Hallowed be Thy Name ...” He began to worship God. …He uttered the next phrase as if waiting to catch up with me. “Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done...” As I continued, more confident in my own faith because of his, his voice went silent. …Mr. Henley had stopped breathing. At just about “Thy Kingdom come...” Mr. Henley’s prayer was answered. Mr. Henley was in the presence of the Lord. …I thought of the Psalmist’s words, “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints” (Psalm 116:15 KJV). … Soon enough, the family returned. …This new widow needed the promises of God, the assurance of the love of God, and the hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. ... she embraced me — and wept, ever so softly. Right after I spoke these words, it happened: “Mrs. Henley, the Bible says your dear husband is in the presence of our Lord Jesus at this very second. He passed from this life into the arms of Jesus. I was with him as his soul departed this room. He is more alive than ever.” … The still, quiet sobs were broken by a stern word from her son. “Mother, I am sorry, but that is not right. Daddy is not here. He is, well, for all practical purposes, just asleep.” He spoke the words for his mother, but he aimed his arrows at me. …“Mother, come out here and let me talk to you.” Mrs. Henley followed obediently. … What else could she do? … [Then] Mrs. Henley returned. …She took my hands without ever moving her eyes from mine…. “Oh Pastor, my son says my husband’s soul is just asleep! He is not with the Lord! …” I held Mrs. Henley and felt the deep grief. “He is gone, Pastor. But where? Where is my husband?” “What happens to the soul at the time of death?” To understand, [this pastor] arranged the biblical material according to the Bible’s explanation about the soul and the soul’s destiny. … I opened my Bible and asked his grieving widow to read the Scriptures, she wiped her eyes, …leaning in to read: “We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord.” (2 Corinthians 5:8 NKJV). Mrs. Henley looked up again. “Pastor, I read that according to the Bible my Robert — my husband — is with the Lord. As soon as his spirit left his body he went to be with Jesus. That is what I had always been taught. But my son . . . Oh, is this the truth?” …. “According to our Lord Jesus Christ I say in the name of God, you will see your husband again.” And she rested in the promises of God. But have you? The soul lives forever in one of two places: with your Creator or without Him. The adjudication of your eternal life rests with the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. And He welcomes any and all who will turn from all other persons and plans and turn unto Him. For Jesus our Lord says, “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Rest from the frantic search for answers. Trust in Christ Jesus … [italics added] Christ’s sacrifice for your sins — has secured your destiny. And you will never walk alone. … Lord, our Heavenly Father: I am in awe of Your mighty creative power demonstrated not only in the wonder of the stars above or in the microscopic invisible world, but, especially, in the coming of Your Son Yeshu’a our Lord; and in His perfect life lived for me and His sacrificial death offered for me on the cross, I do repent — turn away from — my sin of unbelief, self-sufficiency, and trusting in anyone and thing other than Your Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth; I know I am a soul and body, and I ask that You transform my soul according to Your promises and Your power; I ask that you forgive me and receive me as Your child; and I believe when I depart from this life I will go immediately to You; So, take me and use me for Your glory. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. https://www.biblestudytools.com/bible-study/topical-studies/where-does-our-soul-go-when-we-die.html (heavily edited for more concise reading in this blog and to share the message) |