Did you know there are websites that allegedly promote kindness. Except, kindness can be hell itself - if the person trying to be kind is merely being nice. Now the difference, which our culture has somewhat conflated, needs clarity: as believers (if you are one) you are called to act kindly. which isn't simple pleasantries or being nice—rather kindness is a deep love, respect, and care for one another, and not cold icy silence when someone offends you, for instance.
The reason I’m mention it is because one of my characters, an angel, she strives to be both kind and honest with Lucifer and her goal is to help him see ’the truth.’ Does her kindness do more harm than good? Perhaps, for later in the story, Yeshu’a himself confronts the angel with Adonai’s truth. It was an eye opener for her and altered her approach to the lord of Hell. The truth is, Lucifer is a liar and a deceiver - he is trying to get back at Adonai, after all - but there’s more to his role in hell, as well, one I’d not considered until after I read an article about it. That author’s opinion struck me as ’truth', despite the devil’s deceptive ways. I wish I’d kept the article and while I searched for it, I could not find the reference. In my story, Miriam chastises Lucifer for being who he is. Angry, he storms off. She knows an apology is needed but, more so, Lucifer needs to see himself for who he is and why Miriam cannot love him. As she debates this, terrified of walking the halls of Hell for fear of demons, Yeshu’a confronts Miriam and reminds her of Lucifer’s purpose, which she’s attempting to alter. Hell is there for a reason. Someone must rule, though God is in control. The infliction of punishment is proportionate to degrees - an outworking of divine justice because God judges righteously (Acts 17:31) and it is a function of God’s justice to avenge every wrong (Rev. 16:1–7; 19:1–6). Did he assign Lucifer this task when he sent him to Hell? I don’t know. So in the story, in the interests of divine justice punishment is given out according to the nature of an offense. In the Old Testament a more severe punishment for premeditated murder was given than for accidental homicide. There were cities designated as places of safety if you were fleeing from “relatives seeking revenge” even for an accidental killing; they offered peace and protection. So there are prescribed measures for various offenses at least in the OT. The nature of the crime, the motivations, and the circumstances - these all determine the measure of punishment. And while Adonai’s in control, someone has to see that the punishment is carried out. Why not Lucifer? Now, I don’t know if that’s biblically true. Everyone has a different opinion on that subject, and so, I used my idea or opinion. After all, it’s fantasy in the supernatural or paranormal realm.
Are you old enough to remember the Twilight Zone? A recent event in my life reminds me of the series. When I cannot sleep at night this is the sort of thing I do. An author, I use Fictionary, an online editing program. and usually people are fairly responsive, Until the other day.
I went online yesterday, but was unable to access Story Teller software so I could not edit my manuscripts. I’ve asked for help a few times but no one is responding. Did I drop off the face of the earth or did everyone else? I’d move on except I paid my $699 to become an editor and am 1/3 of the way through, but now I cannot use the program. So, I called: You hoo. Is anyone out there? No answer. Maybe never There’s an idea for a story… I’m thinking: A woman wakes up and starts her day except when she goes to the store no one is there. Driving home, she notices her car is the only one on the street. She calls a friend then her sister, but no one answers. Turning on the news to see if there has been a national disaster, nothing. Na da. No people, no news. It’s twilight zone. she begins to wonder ‘Am I going crazy? That’s the way it feels when people don’t respond to you. It’s always better to tell them the truth than to remain silent. Yeah, I know. What the heck does that have to do with the maybe story? I’ll let you know if I write it. Authors are always concerned with roadblocks in writing. While I have oodles of ideas, the trouble I have is with a title for a novel. So, in case you didn't read the Home page here's what I'm proposing: a contest for a book title and here's the blurb.
_____ In a time ruled by the Lord of Heaven and populated by angels, demons, and other supernatural beings, the story follows the tumultuous relationship between Miriam, an enchanting beautiful angel, and Lucifer, a gorgeous rebellious cherub. Despite their undeniable attraction, their paths constantly diverge due to their conflicting natures and beliefs. Once Lucifer is evicted from Heaven, Miriam is caught in a love triangle between Lucifer and Andras, a lustful demon commander, also very handsome. She must navigate through their intense emotions and danger. Then, Miriam finds herself kidnapped into Hell as a test of her purity. Amidst jealousy and betrayals, Miriam and Lucifer's bond grows stronger and they come to find solace in each other, in Hell. Then, as the two are torn apart once again, Lucifer must make a difficult decision - whether to save Miriam or to live without her for an eternity. In this epic tale of love and redemption, will Miriam be able to reunite with her beloved Lucifer in the face of danger and temptation? Or will their love be lost forever? _______ Thus begins a new drama but I Need a Title for the Novel and offer a contest. So send in your ideas, and, if your Title is selected, I will send you a FREE copy ASAP (as soon as published) in either paperback or eBook, whatever way you prefer. Do you have negative thoughts or destructive dialog in your mind? I imagine some of us, especially if we’ve not sold many books (if any) may embrace destructive dialog or negative thoughts. After all, they seem reasonable because they appeal to our normal human insecurities.
Let me give you an example. I’m writing a book called “Our War with Lucifer.” While reading an article by Jack Graham, I’m beset by doubt and negative thoughts, destructive deceptions that go something like: My writing is nowhere near as good; No one will want to read what I’ve written; My book is so inadequate; and so goes the litany of doubt and insecurity. And part of me wants to give up and stop writing. On the other hand, there’s another force at work in my life as well, (I’m a believer in Yeshu’a) so I’ve an angelic force fighting the battle for me between good and evil, negative thought patterns and healthy ones. And whether my book is as good as Jack Graham or anyone else is not the point. The point is, Adonai/God prompted me to write about the spiritual and so, write I will. Maybe I’m not as good a writer as some authors, but one day, if I persist, practice and improve, I may be. What makes me think that way? Well, because I trust Adonai who works all things together for the good of those who love him and are obedient when fulfilling the purposes for which He called us. You see, the more we allow negativity or destructive dialog to confuse our minds the more influence the negative has over us. So, whether you're a writer of nonfiction or fiction or maybe you're pursuing another career, don't permit the negative to gain a foothold in your life. If it's already there, resist, resist, resist. When you resist the devil, he will flee from you. |