Do you have negative thoughts or destructive dialog in your mind? I imagine some of us, especially if we’ve not sold many books (if any) may embrace destructive dialog or negative thoughts. After all, they seem reasonable because they appeal to our normal human insecurities.
Let me give you an example. I’m writing a book called “Our War with Lucifer.” While reading an article by Jack Graham, I’m beset by doubt and negative thoughts, destructive deceptions that go something like: My writing is nowhere near as good; No one will want to read what I’ve written; My book is so inadequate; and so goes the litany of doubt and insecurity. And part of me wants to give up and stop writing. On the other hand, there’s another force at work in my life as well, (I’m a believer in Yeshu’a) so I’ve an angelic force fighting the battle for me between good and evil, negative thought patterns and healthy ones. And whether my book is as good as Jack Graham or anyone else is not the point. The point is, Adonai/God prompted me to write about the spiritual and so, write I will. Maybe I’m not as good a writer as some authors, but one day, if I persist, practice and improve, I may be. What makes me think that way? Well, because I trust Adonai who works all things together for the good of those who love him and are obedient when fulfilling the purposes for which He called us. You see, the more we allow negativity or destructive dialog to confuse our minds the more influence the negative has over us. So, whether you're a writer of nonfiction or fiction or maybe you're pursuing another career, don't permit the negative to gain a foothold in your life. If it's already there, resist, resist, resist. When you resist the devil, he will flee from you.
Years ago, I used IngramSparks to publish my first books, but that was before I discovered Kindle. Now I use Kindle to publish my books and Apple, but there are limits. For instance, I cannot get my books into libraries and such. So, I went back to IngramSparks.
Oh my goodness, what a nightmare. I've formatted my own books for years and like the way they come out - very professional looking - because I've followed the example of professionals! Ingram is not very professional looking, not anymore. When I upload my books, properly formatted, most of my Chapters they show are missing, like if I have 23 chapters in my books, An Affair with An Angel, on Ingram, they only show Chapters 1, 4, 16, and 23. The rest are smushed inside those four chapters. WTH. It's so ridiculous it's absurd. Yes, it's a double negative or whatever, but so apropos. And, if I sell a book on Amazon Kindle, I also reap greater rewards whereas on IngramSparks, my royalties for eBooks are almost half of what I get on Kindle. A $4.99 books gets me $2.00 on Ingram whereas on Kindle, the same book nets me $3.45. Yikes! Nice difference. It's no wonder IngramSparks lets you publish the first go around for free because they charge you for any necessary editing, and editing is AlWays necessary with their program. I've read several reviews on IngramSparks and nearly everyone I've read says the same thing; they're worthless for publishing your ebooks and/or print books. I have several print books I originally published with them back in 2009 and they were excellent. But after reading the reviews, I've learned (and from my recent experience) I'll stick with Amazon Kindle. And there you have it. A short post but I hope an informative one. Vampires are awesome creatures, or so some authors make them seem. I'm reading a series now about a young girl, which makes it highly improbable she does the things she does, but it gives me ideas for my novels.